What Can I Expect at the Games?
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about what to expect at the Games. Links to specific information for each Games can be found on the Games (BC Summer Games, BC Winter Games) and will be posted on the right as available.

Where will I stay? You will stay in accommodation sites with your coaches and other athletes. The local school district provides the use of its schools' classrooms to serve as Games accommodation. The BC Games rules require all athletes to stay in Games accommodation, even those that live in the Games community. Coaches are expected to stay in Games accommodation to supervise their athletes. Refer to the BC Games General Rules and sport-specific rules in the technical package for each Games.
Who will stay with me? All of the athletes for one sport or one sport's gender will stay in the same location. Generally all members of the same gender from a zone team will be in its own classroom; large teams may be divided into two rooms and smaller teams may have others from a different zone with them. Zone coaches or adult supervisors will be in the accommodation with their athletes and will act in a supervisory capacity.
How will I get around the community? Once you arrive in the community, Games transportation will be provided to get you around the Games. Scheduled bus service will get you to/from meals, your accommodation site, and your sport venue. Shuttles will get you to/from special events. Sports travel together, though sometimes a few zone teams will travel at a time. The travel details will be outlined in the Bus & Meal Schedule for your sport, which will be available to your head coach prior to the Games and you will have access to the schedule when you arrive.
What will I eat? Breakfasts and dinners will be served at central food services location. You will be able to select your food items from a buffet-style menu. When you leave breakfast you will grab you lunch and take it with you for the lunch time noted on you Bus & Meal Schedule.

Games volunteers will ensure nutritious meals are provided but that doesn’t mean everything offered will be to your liking. Please be patient and understanding. With as many as 1,600 participants to feed, it is challenging to provide meal options that will be liked by everyone!

If you have an allergy or special dietary needs for medical/health reasons, it is important that the Medical/Allergy form is completed prior to the Games. The Medical/Allergy Form will be completed through the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE. The Food Services Directorate has a role devoted entirely to the handling of special dietary requests and will be on site to help you find items that meet your special dietary requests noted in your Medical/Allergy form.

What events will be held during the Games? In addition to the sport competitions, there will be special events, including the Opening Ceremony on Thursday and special events on Friday and Saturday evenings. It is expected that all Games participants attend the Opening Ceremony.

A Closing Celebration Video will be available and emailed to all participants on Sunday afternoon.

What can I expect at the special events? The Opening Ceremony on Thursday is the official start of the Games. The Games participants are the focus of this celebration with the parade of participants. You will parade into the ceremony with your zone and the Games torch will be lit.

On Friday and Saturday nights there will special events that include a variety of activities and entertainment in a carnival-type atmosphere. The special events are a great way to meet participants from other zones and other sports. Your zone head coach will determine if you are permitted to attend the special events.

What is the typical schedule for the Games? Arrival day includes accreditation and checking into your Games accommodation. The Opening Ceremony is held on Thursday. Competitions and medal presentation ceremonies will occur on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Also see The Games schedule and overview. for details.
When are medals presented? Medal presentation ceremonies are held at each sport venue at the end of competition. For sports with many events, medal presentation ceremonies will be held throughout the Games-weekend. Schedules will be available closer to the Games on the Games-specific page - (BC Summer Games, BC Winter Games).
Are there any rules regarding my use of Social Media? The BC Games encourages you to connect with us on Social Media including using your personal account before and while at the Games.  Remember to be positive and support and keep the Culture of the Games principles in mind. Please review the Social Media policy and ensure you abide by its principles.
What if I get sick or injured during the Games? Medical volunteers will be at each sport venue during the scheduled competition and practice times. These volunteers, led by the Director of Medical Services, are responsible for the treatment of all Games participants.  Medical volunteers are always the first responders to injuries. Medical problems or injuries will be dealt with on-site, if possible. If further attention is needed, transportation to the Games Medical Clinic will be provided. Medical Services are available on a 24-hour basis during the Games.
What time is curfew? What happens if I miss curfew? Curfew in Games accommodation is 11:00 pm for all participants, including adults. Quiet time is at 10:30 pm and lights out at 11:00 pm. No one is allowed to leave Games accommodation after curfew. Anyone who misses curfew will be subject to disciplinary action, which could include expulsion from the Games.

Anyone who misses curfew, which is 11:00 pm, will be subject to disciplinary action, which could include expulsion from the Games*.

*Participants expelled from the Games must make their own way home from the Games, at their own expense - see Expectations of Participants for more information.

Are there rules for participating in the Games? What happens if I break Games rules? All athletes, coaches, and officials at the BC Games are expected to conduct themselves, at all times, in the spirit of fair play, in a responsible manner, and within the principles of the Culture of the Games. This conduct is expected from the time they board BC Games transportation (or arrive at the accreditation centre by their own transportation) until they return home.

It is expected that all participants will fulfill their responsibilities. Individuals, teams, or entire sports that fail to do so, will be subject to appropriate discipline, which could include expulsion from the Games*.

Remember that you are a representative of your sport; what you do can impact your sport’s inclusion in future BC Games.

Anyone who damages Games venues or infrastructure will be held responsible. This may include payment of associated costs and/or disciplinary action.

Review the Expectations of Participants, the BC Games Code of Conduct, and the Culture of the Games information.

*Participants expelled from the Games must make their own way home from the Games, at their own expense - see Expectations of Participants for more information.

Where can I get Games photos? During the Games volunteers will be taking zone team photos, medal presentation photos, and general Games photos. Team photos will be scheduled and noted in your Bus & Meal Schedule.  All photos will be available to download on the BC Games Flickr site.
Where will results and Games information be posted?
If I am done my competition can I leave? It is expected that all Games participants will remain at the Games for the duration. If you’re staying in Games accommodation, you must remain in accommodation until Sunday. Anyone who removes themselves from Games accommodation prior to the completion of the Games will no longer be eligible to compete and may be subject to other disciplinary action.

Participants who finish competition prior to the final day of the Games (Sunday) may remove themselves from Games accommodation by having their Provincial Advisor sign the Release Form. Note that it is expected that early departue is arranged prior to the Games -- please be sure to inform your Zone Representative so that appropriate travel arrangements can be selected for you during the registration process. Also note that some sports do not permit athletes to depart early - discuss with your Zone Representative or Provincial Advisor.

Any participant removing themselves from BC Games accommodation is also removing themselves from competition and from BC Games transportation for their return trip. This means that they cannot continue to compete AND will need to make their own transportation arrangements for their trip home, at their own expense. Speak to your Provincial Advisor for more information.

Note that some sports require participants to remain at the Games, stay in Games accommodation, and travel to/from the Games on Games-provided transportation – refer to the sport's technical package for details.

Will I receive commemorative items from the Games? Your customized accreditation badge, a Games pin, and a gift item from these Games will be provided as part of the accreditation process. These are yours to keep. You can also download Games photos free of charge from the BC Games Flickr site.
Will Games merchandise be available? Official Games merchandise will be available for each Games. Check out the Games pages for information about pre-Games and Games-time merchandise sales. Prior to the Games, merchandise will be available via an online store. During the Games merchandise sales locations will be available at various locations. Look for details on the Games-specific page - (BC Summer Games, BC Winter Games).
Where there be opportunities for practice? Where feasible, your sport may arrange for one or more of the following on Thursday:

  • a full practice at the competition venue for your sport
  • a tour of your competition venue
  • a practice at an alternate venue
  • a clinic or seminar at your competition venue or another location

Refer to the Games page for links to Schedules as they are available (BC Summer Games, BC Winter Games).

Why do I have to be accredited? Accrediting participants enables us to confirm who is at the Games and it also a time when you will receive key information, including your Games accreditation badge and the Bus & Meal Schedule and Sport Schedule for your sport.
Will bottled water be provided? Bottled water will not be provided to Games participants. Most communities in BC have superb drinking water. There will be water fountains and/or water stations at every sport venue. Bring a water bottle with you so you’ll be able to keep it filled.
Where do I go if I am scheduled to fly home after the Games? Participants travelling home on charter flights will be taken to the holding area where Games volunteers will provide a comfortable environment to unwind and wait for the flight home. The holding area will have snacks, movies, games, light entertainment, and quiet places to rest.  Dinner service will be provided between specific hours. The 11:00 pm Games curfew is still in effect. Refer to the Bus & Meal Schedule for your schedule transportation to the holding area.

Review your travel itinerary carefully to confirm your scheduled check-in time for your flight. Be sure to keep your accreditation badge with you at all times as this will serve as your identification for accessing the holding area and boarding your flight.


BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2