Information for Parents
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions by parents. Also refer to the Qualifying for the Games, Registration/Transportation, and other Participant Information for more details.

Click here to review the BC Games Code of Conduct, which outlines expected behaviours of all participants.

Where will my child find all of the details they need for the Games? About 10 days after the registration deadline, every participant will receive a letter in the mail (mailed via Canada Post), which will include login credentials for the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE where they will complete important Games information (such as the Medical/Allergy form), review and correct their demographic information, and print/download their travel itinerary (if applicable). The Guide to the Games, which will also be available on the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE and on closer to the Games, also has information to help participants prepare for the Games. Also check out the Participant Information pages for more details.
Are there documents I, as the parent/guardian need to review/sign? When your child logins into the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE, they will need to download the BC Games Code of Conduct and Waiver, which will need to be completed and uploaded. If participants are under 19, there will also be form that their parent/guardian will need to download, complete and upload.
Are there rules that my child has to follow? In addition to their sport's competition rules and code of conduct, all participants agree to abide by the BC Games Society Code of Conduct and to follow the rules, regulations, and policies of the BC Games Society. This includes following the BC Games General Rules, their sport’s technical package, and the principles of the Culture of the Games.

Also see the Expectations of Participants for additional information.

Should any participant choose not to follow these rules, regulations, and policies, their actions may be reviewed and they may be disciplined under the BC Games Society Discipline Process. The BC Games Society Discipline Process can be found here (link to come).

Should any participant be subject to discipline resulting in their removal from the Games, they will be responsible for covering all costs related to their travel home.

When will my child's travel information be provided? The registration deadline is one month prior to the Games. Within 10 days of this deadline, each registered Games participant will be mailed information about how to access the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE where they will complete important Games information (such as the Medical/Allergy form), review and correct their demographic information, and print/download their travel itinerary (if applicable).
How will my child travel to the Games? Most participants will travel to the Games on Games transportation. This will be charter buses for most and charter aircraft for those further away from the Games community.

Participants have the option of making their own way to the Games, at their own expense, if this is permitted by their Provincial Sport Organization - refer to the technical package (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) or contact the Zone Representative or Provincial Advisor for confirmation of the sport's travel rules.

Participants living close to the Games community will be required to make their own way to the Games.

Travel options will be selected by the Zone Representatives during the registration process.

Why does my child have to travel with the team from another community when a bus is departing from the community we live in? To ensure the safety and supervision of athletes during travel to and from the Games, zone teams travel together, departing from and returning to central pick-up locations. This is what we call team travel and it ensures that every athlete is supervised by an accredited adult (head coach, assistant coach, or adult supervisor) from the time they board a bus/flight until the time they arrive at the destination.

Team travel also ensures that the Zone team travels on the same bus(es) or flight(s) and arrives at the destination at the same time.

Participants must provide their own transportation to/from the selected pick-up/drop-off locations. The pick-up/drop off location(s) may not be the closest one to the participants’ homes; however, this system is necessary to ensure proper safety and supervision of athletes. Travel options will be selected by the Zone Representatives during the registration process.

Note that some sports require athletes to travel on Games transportation - refer to the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games) for specific information.

I received my child's travel information but I want to change it, what do I do? Travel arrangements are made based on the options selected by the Zone Representative during the registration process. Keeping in mind that teams must travel together, to ensure the safety and supervision of BC Games athletes during travel to and from the Games, a central departure and drop-off location would have been selected. This is what we call team travel and it ensures that every athlete is supervised by an accredited adult (head coach, assistant coach, or adult supervisor) from the time they board a bus/flight until the time they arrive at the destination and also ensures that the Zone teams travel on the same bus(es) or flight(s) and arrive at the destination at the same time.

Participants must provide their own transportation to/from the selected pick-up/drop-off locations. The pick-up/drop off location(s) may not be the closest one to the participants’ homes; however, this system is necessary to ensure proper safety and supervision of athletes. Note that some sports require athletes to travel on Games transportation - refer to the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for specific information.

Changes to travel must be approved by the sport's Provincial Advisor and submitted to the BC Games Society by the Provincial Advisor. If you require changes to your child's travel, contact the head coach or Zone Representative to submit the request to the Provincial Advisor. Contact information for Zone Representatives is available on the technical packages (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games).

Where will my child be staying at the Games? Your child will stay in accommodation sites with the zone coaches and other athletes in the zone/sport/Games.  The local school district provides the use of its schools' classrooms to serve as Games accommodation.

The BC Games rules permit all athletes to stay in Games accommodation. Coaches are required to stay in Games accommodation to supervise their athletes. Refer to the BC Games General Rules (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) and the sport-specific rules in the Technical Package (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games).

All of the athletes for one sport or one sport's gender will stay in the same location. Males and females are in separate rooms and separate wings/areas. Generally all members of the same gender from a zone team will be in one classroom; large teams may be divided into two rooms and smaller teams may have others from a different zone with them. Zone coaches or adult supervisors will be in the accommodation site with their athletes and will act in a supervisory capacity.

How can I find out what accommodation site my child will be staying in? For the protection of all Games participants, we do not make public which sport is staying in which accommodation site. Head Coaches are provided this information prior to the Games and Provincial Advisors will have this detail well in advance of the Games; it is their call when and if they will share this information. Your child will be provided with this information when they are accredited at the Games. We suggest that you arrange for your child to contact you once they have been accredited and provide this information to you or let you know when they see you at their sport venue.
How does my child qualify for the Games? Qualification for the Games variesfrom sport-to-sport. Review the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for specific information. Also review BC Games General Rules for additional eligibility information (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).

The age of athletes varies from sport to sport based on the sport's development framework. Coaches are expected to be 19 or older in order to act in a supervisory capacity with their athletes. Review the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for specific information.

When are qualifications held? Qualifications for the Games are coordinated by the Provincial Sport Organization and managed by the organization or the Zone Representatives - refer to the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for contact information.
Can my child compete for a zone other than one we live in. BC Games rules require athletes to compete for the zone where they make their permanent residence. Refer to BC Games General Rules for details (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).
How do I sign my child up for the Games? Registration for the Games is done through Zone Representatives for each sport or through the sport's respective Provincial Sport Organization. Refer to the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for contact information and contact the Provincial Advisor for your sport and/or your Zone Representative.
Can my child participate in more than one sport at a Games? Athletes may only participate in one sport in the Games. Refer to BC Games General Rules for details (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).
How do I know what zone we are in? The province is divided into eight geographical zones. Refer to zone information to determine your zone.

Each sport is permitted to bring athltes from each zone. Review the technical package for the respective sport (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) to confimr the number of athletes permitted from each zone.

How do I know who the coach is for my child's sport? If you do not know who the coach is for your child's sport, contact the Zone Representative or the sport’s Provincial Advisor. Contact information is available on the technical package (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games).
What security is in place at the Games? Sport venues are staffed by security volunteers during scheduled practice and competition times at all Games events.

Games accommodation sites are security-controlled 24-hours per day for the protection of Games participants.  Participants must show their accreditation badge to accommodation volunteers every time they enter the accommodation site. Before curfew on each day every participant must have their badge scanned to confirm that they have checked.

Only Games participants with proper accreditation are permitted in the accommodation sites. The curfew for all participants, including adults, is 11:00 pm; anyone violating curfew will be subject to disciplinary action.

Coaches reside in the Games accommodation with their athletes and act in a supervisory capacity. See the role of coaches for more information.

Each individual is responsible for all of their belongings at sport venues and in Games accommodation – they should only bring what is needed and plan to keep valuables with them.

I am dropping my child off at the Games and picking them afterwards, where do I go? Drop-off at the Games
Those who are making their own way to the Games (or being dropped off at) must arrive by the time designated by the Provincial Advisor for the sport. Athletes cannot access the accommodation site without their coach. If you are dropping your child off at the Games, confirm with the zone head coach when to arrive.Pick-up at the end of the Games
At the conclusion of the Games it is best to pick-up your child's luggage before they leave their accommodation site on Sunday morning - discuss with your child's coach and also arrange a time for when/where you will pick-up your child after competition has concluded and before the buses for the sport begin departing. Coaches will have this information on the Bus & Meal Schedule. Details about pick-ups will be included in the Guide to the Games.
Can my child get graduation credits for participation in the Games? The Ministry of Education and Child Care's External Credentials Program enables students to receive credit for some of their training participation that occurs outside of school. This may include athletes who are competing on provincial or national teams and BC Games participants. For more information on the program and for a list of sports that qualify for these credits, go to the Ministry of Education and Child Care website. Credit earned through the Ministry of Education's External Credentials Program must be obtained from the respective Provincial Sport Organization.
My child has an allergy or medical condition - whom do I inform of this? If your child has an allergy or medical concern it is important that they complete and Medical/Allergy Form PRIOR to the Games. The form will be completed through the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE (information about access to the site will be mailed to participants about 3 weeks prior to the Games).

Completing the Medical/Allergy Form will ensure Food Services and Medical Services volunteers have the information they need to support your child at the Games. Even if your child does not have an allergy or medical condition ALL participants are required to complete the form PRIOR to the Games.

The  Medical/Allergy Form cannot be completed at the Games.

What if my child gets sick or injured during the Games? Medical volunteers will be at each sport venue during the scheduled competition and practice times and at all Games events. These volunteers, in conjunction with the Games Medical physicians, are responsible for the treatment of all Games participants. Medical Services are available on a 24-hour basis during the Games. Medical volunteers are always the first and only responders to injuries. Medical problems or injuries will be dealt with on-site, if possible. If further attention is needed, transportation to the Games Medical Clinic will be provided.
Can I see my child at the Games? Sport venues are open to the public and do not require tickets (all competitions are free of charge).

The Opening Ceremony on Thursday is also open to the public and free of charge - note; however, that seating may be limited and a ticketing process may be implemented - see the Games page closer to the Games (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).

Access to the participant special events, the food venue, Games transportation, accommodation sites, and Closing Celebration is limited to Games participants only - Games accreditation is required for access.

I am not able to attend the Games, how can I keep up with all of the action?
Where can I get Games photos? During the Games volunteers will be taking zone team photos, medal presentation photos, and general Games photos. Team photo opportunities are arranged for by your coaches upon arrival at the accreditation centre on Thursday.  All photos will be available to download on the BC Games Flickr site.
If my child is finished competition can he/she leave? It is expected that all Games participants will remain at the Games for the duration. Participants staying in Games accommodation must remain in accommodation until Sunday.

Anyone who removes themselves from Games accommodation prior to the completion of the Games will no longer be eligible to compete and may be subject to other disciplinary action.

Participants who finish competition prior to the final day of the Games (Sunday) may remove themselves from Games accommodation, if permitted by their sport and approved by their Provincial Advisor who must sign the required release form.

Any participant removing themself from BC Games accommodation is also removing themselves from competition and from BC Games transportation for their return trip. This means that they cannot continue to compete AND will need to make their own transportation arrangements for their trip home, at their own expense. Speak to the sport's Provincial Advisor for more information.

Note that some sports require participants to remain at the Games, stay in Games accommodation, and travel to/from the Games on Games-provided transportation – refer to the technical packages for details (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games).

Why is there a registration fee? Staging the BC Summer and BC Winter Games takes volunteer energy and financial support. As the recipient of the work and investment being made on behalf of the athletes, the BC Games Society appreciates the contribution of the Athlete Registration Fee used as part of the overall funding of the BC Games.

We believe that the $175 fee, which covers travel to/from the Games (if applicable), meals, travel at the Games, special events, and accommodation, is a fair and reasonable assessment for participation in the Games.  To provide some perspective, we have conservatively calculated the cost per athlete at just under $600, not including competition fees, which can be as much as $250 per event.

Why is the fee for my child's sport more than your $175 registration fee? Some sports may charge an additional fee for qualification events, training, and/or uniforms - review the technical package (BC Summer GamesBC Winter Games) for more details and contact the Zone Representative or Provincial Advisor.
Will Games merchandise be available? Official Games merchandise will be available for each Games. Check out the Games pages for information about pre-Games and Games-time merchandise sales. Prior to the Games, merchandise will be available via an online store. During the Games merchandise sales locations will be available at various locations. Locations and hours of operation will be posted closer to the Games - (BC Winter GamesBC Summer Games).


BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2