Volunteer Recruitment Continues for Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games

Volunteer Recruitment for the BC Summer Games continues and as of the beginning of June over 800 people have signed up. The Games will run from Wednesday, July 17 through to Sunday, July 21 and our community will welcome over 3000 youth athletes, their coaches, and officials from around BC to compete in 22 sports at 20+ venues in Maple Ridge and surrounding communities.

“Our Games Directors and Chairs have been out at community events raising awareness and sharing information on how residents can join Team Maple Ridge and help deliver a first-rate experience for our guests from around BC,” said Games President Laura Butler.

“Our volunteers are working through the lists of people who have registered to make contact to help choose the areas they want to work in. That’s the first step in getting them ready for their volunteer experience. Volunteer schedules will be developed a bit closer to the Games as we lock down the timing for competitions, meals, and transportation,” she added.

“As we move closer to the Games there are some areas where we are looking to sign up and assign volunteers as early as possible so we can do training and orientation sessions,” said Heidi Einhorn, Director of Participant & Volunteer Services. “At this point in our recruitment campaign, we’re highlighting opportunities on our Access Control, Accommodation and Food Services Teams to ensure the safety and comfort of all the Games participants.”

Here’s some details on roles that we’re looking to fill and important information on what’s happening behind the scenes:

Access Control

The term ‘Access Control’ is a fancy way of talking about event security. This team is looking for people who will work at venues to manage access points for spectators and athletes, provide support for the transportation team to make sure that bus traffic and the Games officials can move in and out of the sites smoothly and provide support at the accommodation sites.

Some of these positions will require security clearances and are well suited to young people who are thinking of a career in law enforcement and security or retired and semi-retired citizens who have security experience.

There will be a variety of shifts during the day and some shifts available for folks that like to work late in the evening or early mornings.


Athletes and coaches will be housed at a dozen local schools, and we need have 24-hour support at each of these sites to control access to the dorm areas and provide support for the athletes at their accommodation sites. The accommodation team is looking for people who may be familiar with a school site such as PAC parents, teachers, school admin staff and retired or semi-retired professionals in these fields. Older students are also being encouraged to fill these roles as part of their volunteer hour requirements for their Grade 12 graduation.

Food Services

During the Games the team will make and serve close to 40,000 meals. The team will consist of people who are preparing the meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and people to help serve and clean up after the meals.

If you have some experience or education in food preparation this is a great opportunity to flex your skills and be part of the kitchen team. There will be a crew dedicated to making sandwiches and lunches that will be delivered to the venues each day in addition to the breakfast and dinner teams. This is a great opportunity for a service club or church group to work as a team to impress our guests.

Other Roles

There’s a job for every age and capacity. For example, there will be a team that works intensively to accredit the athletes, coaches, and officials on Wednesday, July 17 as they flow through Planet Ice out to their accommodations. Once accreditation is complete, they can sign on other roles helping to deliver the Opening Ceremony, act as a host at a sport venue, work as a shuttle driver for the fleet of donated cars or help organize medal presentations at the 20+ sport venues. There are many roles we need to fill.

What happens when you sign up?

Every volunteer needs to sign up online at https://bcgames.net/mridge2024sm.

Once registered your information is sent to the Volunteer Management Chair for the area that you selected. Like you, they are volunteers, and they are working through the lists to make contact by email or on the phone to determine your availability and interest in filling certain roles.

We appreciate your patience as we work through these lists and make that initial contact. The Games will run from Wednesday, July 17 through to Sunday, July 21. If you can look at your calendar and determine what times you are available, that will help the Volunteer Management Chair when they develop their schedules later in June and the beginning of July.

Once the Games get underway there are a variety of volunteer shifts driven by the competition schedules, special events and some of the ongoing activities such as security, transportation, and food prep, that will have overnight or early shifts. The Volunteer Management Chairs will work with volunteers to fill these shifts. As details will be firmed up in the next couple of weeks you can expect to get more information on your Games volunteer schedules.

“This is a huge undertaking, and we know that our volunteers will help us deliver a first-rate and memorable event for the participants. I know from personal experience that you will make new friends as you meet other volunteers and that we will all come away with incredible memories of the 2024 BC Summer Games,” said Games President Butler.

“Please go online and get signed up as soon as possible. Ask your friends and family to do so as well and volunteer together! Join Team Maple Ridge and let’s show BC the hospitality and passion we all share for this community,” she concluded.

BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2