Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about the registration and transportation process for the Games.

When will I receive the details of my travel to the Games? The registration deadline is one month prior to the Games. Within 10 days of this deadline, each registered Games participant will be mailed a letter with a user name and password to log in and access the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE where they will complete forms, download their travel information (if applicable), etc. See Games specific dates on the General Schedule and Games Overview page.
How will I get to the Games? Most participants will travel to the Games on Games transportation, which are charter buses for most and charter air craft for those further away. Participants have the option of making their own way to the Games, at their own expense, if this is permitted by their Provincial Sport Organization. Refer to the technical package or contact your Zone Representative or Provincial Advisor for more information.
How much luggage can I bring? You are allowed to bring 1 checked bag (30lbs) plus your sleeping bag and pillow and a carry on (backpack). There is limited space on the BC Games charter transportation and excess luggage will not be accommodated. Keep in mind that it is not just your luggage that has to be transported to the Games, but the luggage of all the other Games participants. No one wants his or her luggage to be left behind. Please bring only what is absolutely necessary and only what is permitted.  Be sure each piece of luggage (including your sleeping bag) is labelled with visible tag including your NAME, SPORT, ZONE and home address.

Be sure to pack your items so that they are easily identifiable - 1000's of sleeping bags packed in green garbage bags all look the same!

Excess luggage (i.e. over and above the amount designated) will not be permitted on our charter aircraft or buses.

What if I have extra sport specific baggage? For sports that have been identified by the BC Games Society as requiring additional personal sports equipment (i.e. lacrosse, golf, ringette) or team equipment. Specific luggage information for each sport will be available on the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.

In addition to the BC Games luggage tag, be sure to attach a luggage tag with your name and address on it to each piece of luggage you are bringing to the Games.

While we do everything we can to ensure the safe handling of your property, items like prescription medications, glasses, keys, fragile or valuable items should be carried with you.

What should I bring with me? Be sure to bring your travel itinerary (the information that you accessed online outlining your travel details). If you are on a chartered aircraft, bring your airline information and photo identification (if you are over 19).

You should also pack:

  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Personal items: soap, towel, toothbrush, etc.
  • Appropriate clothing for the climate and a hat to protect you from the elements
  • Sunscreen if attending the BC Summer Games or competing outside at the BC Winter Games
  • Water bottle – No bottled water will be provided, but there will be places to fill up your water bottle
  • Medical and dental numbers
  • Money for - snacks/food while travelling to/from the Games, snacks at the Games,  and Games merchandise

Be sure to clearly identify all your personal belongings!

While we do everything we can to ensure the safe handling of your property, items like prescription medications, glasses, keys, fragile or valuable items should be carried with you.

While Games accommodation sites are secured, you are responsible for your own items. Bring only what you need and plan to keep valuables with you.

What are the Games rules? The BC Games General Rules outline the eligibility requirements for all participants at the Games and the technical package for each sport outlines sport-specific eligibility, rules, and competition information – click here to review the BC Games General Rules and technical packages.
What do I do if I have an allergy or medical concern? If you have an allergy or medical concern it is IMPORTANT that you complete your Medical/Allergy form PRIOR to the Games. Access to this form will be through the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.

Completing this form will ensure Food Services and Medical Services volunteers have the information they need to support you at the Games. Even if you do not have an allergy or medical condition ALL participants are required to complete the form PRIOR to the Games. This form cannot be submitted at the Games.

What do I need to do before the Games?
  • Read the Guide to the Games (which will be available closer to the Games). See the Games page for more information BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games.
  • Share the information in the Guide with your family and friends as it will help them understand the Games and what you will be experiencing.
  • Make copies of important information to keep handy while you’re at the Games.
  • Tell us about yourself and if you have an interesting or heart-warming story. Complete your bio form - see
  • Games page for more information BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games.
  • Help us tell the story of the Games. Talk to your Zone Rep or Coach about contacting the local media outlets to tell them you have been selected to compete at the BC Games.
  • Join us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram
  • Review the links on the right for more Games information.
  • Review the technical package for your sport and the BC Games General Rules.
  • Consider attending a G2G session for more information - session will be held in various locations around the province - details will be available closer to the Games.
  • Review the registration letter that will be mailed to you and log into the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE to complete all required information.
How do I access the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE and what information will find on the site? After the registration deadline each registered Games participant will be mailed a letter with a username and password to access the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.  

Each participant MUST DO the following on the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE prior to the Games:

  • Submit the BC Games Waiver and Code of Conduct
  • Submit your parental consent, if under 19
  • Complete the Medical/Allergy Form
  • Review demographic information (address, etc.)
  • Review the Health Information and Resources
  • Complete the Culture of the Games Course
  • Print your travel itinerary

In addition, each participant CAN DO the following on the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE:

  • Correct or supplement their demographic info (address, spelling of their name, school, Indigenous ancestry, add an email address etc.), if necessary
  • Download your Certificate of Participation
  • Review, print, or download Games information
  • Reserve Opening Ceremony tickets for family and friends
What is the Culture of the Games course? Prior to attending the Games, participants are required to complete a Culture of the Games module. The online module will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will cover the key principles of the Culture of the Games and the BC Games Code of Conduct. Participants will take the module through the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.
When will I arrive at the Games? Your arrival at the Games will depend on the Games planning and bus and flight schedules. Your travel itinerary will be available for download/printing on the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.  Be sure to review this for your specific details.
How long will it take to get to the Games? Arrival times at the Games will depend on Games planning and bus and flight schedules. In order to arrive on time, you may begin and/or end your journey late at night or early in the morning. While we realize this is not ideal, transporting as many as 1,600 participants to the Games has many logistical factors that need to be considered. This travel schedule can be very tiring, so plan to get plenty of rest prior to departure and use the travel time to mentally and physically prepare for the competition that begins early Friday.
Why do I have to travel with my team? To ensure the safety and supervision of BC Games athletes during travel to and from the BC Games, zone teams travel together departing from, and returning to, central pick-up locations. This ensures that every athlete is supervised by an accredited adult (head coach, assistant coach, or adult supervisor) from the time they board a bus/flight until the time they arrive at the destination. It also ensures that the zone team travels on the same bus(es) or flight(s) and arrives at the destination at the same time. Participants must provide their own transportation to/from the selected pick-up/drop-off locations. The pick-up/drop off location(s) may not be the closest one to the participants’ homes; however, this system is necessary to ensure proper safety and supervision of athletes.
Why do I have to pay a registration fee? Staging the BC Summer and BC Winter Games takes volunteer energy and financial support. As the recipient of the work and investment being made on your behalf, the BC Games Society appreciates your contribution of the Athlete Registration Fee used as part of the overall funding of the BC Games.

To provide some perspective, we have conservatively calculated the cost per athlete at just under $600, not including competition fees, which can be as much as $250 per event.

What's included in the athlete registration fee? The $175 athlete registration fee covers the cost of travel to/from, and at the Games, meals, accommodation, your competition, special events, and entertainment. Note that some sports may charge an additional fee for qualification events, training, or uniforms - review the technical package for your sport for details.
Who do I pay the registration fee to? Registration fees are paid to your Provincial Sport Organization, who will submit them to the BC Games Society on your behalf. Each sport manages this process differently; ask your Zone Representative, zone coach, or Provincial Advisor for information.
What resources are available to help me prepare for the Games? Our partners, SportMedBC and Canadian Sport Institute, have written some resources that will help you prepare for the Games. Click here for various resources and information.

In the few weeks leading up to the Games we will host online G2G (Guide to the Games) Sessions. The sessions are geared toward athletes and coaches to help them prepare for the Games. Parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend as well to provide support athletes as they prepare for the Games. The sessions are free to attend but registration is required.  Registration information is posted closer to the Games.

Why should I complete the Participant Bio form? The participant bio form is your opportunity to tell us about yourself. We use this information to assist our partners Global BC and Black Press in preparing stories for the Games. This information is also used by Games volunteers when reporting on stories. If you don’t tell us about yourself we won’t know. Links to the online bio forms will be available on each Games page closer to the Games (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games).
Will I get a uniform? No uniforms are provided by the Games. Some sports provide uniforms and/or walk-out clothing or include this in the fee they charge for participation in the Games.  Ask your Zone Representative, coach, or Provincial Advisor for more information.
What is my Zone colour? Click here to see zone colours.
When will I know my competition schedule? Sport Schedules will be posted on the Games pages closer to the Games. Generally you can expect the detailed schedules to be available about 3 weeks out from the Games. Refer to the Games page for links to Sport Schedules as they are available - BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games
Will food be provided on the way to the Games? No, food will not be provided on Games transportation. Be sure to bring some snacks to keep you nourished on the way to the Games. You may also wish to bring money to purchase food on the way and for when you arrive. Your first meal provided at the Games will depend upon your arrival time.
Can I stay in a hotel with my parents? The BC Games rules requires all athletes to stay in Games accommodation. Coaches are expected to stay in Games accommodation to supervise their athletes. Refer to the BC Games General Rules and technical packages for details.
I live in the community hosting the Games. Can I stay at home? The BC Games rules requires all athletes to stay in Games accommodation. Coaches are expected to stay in Games accommodation to supervise their athletes. This ensures that all team members are together and will arrive at their sport venue ready for competition together. It also ensures that everyone has a complete Games experience. Refer to the BC Games General Rules and technical packages.
What if I am being dropped off at the Games?  What time do I need to arrive? In order to be supervised upon arrival and to to ensure you arrive in time for any scheduled activities, your Provincial Advisor may have designated an arrival time for your zone. Please confirm with your coach or Provincial Advisor.
When will I depart from the Games? Participants will take their luggage to the Departures Area before they go to the Closing Celebration. Following the conclusion of the Closing Celebration, you’ll start your trip home. If you’re travelling by bus, you’ll find your bus in the departure area. All buses will leave at approximately 3:00 pm. If you are being picked up, you can be picked up at the designated area at the conclusion of the Closing Celebration – details will be to participants and coaches at the Games. If you are travelling by charter aircraft you will be taken to the Holding Area to wait for your flight (do not go to the airport to catch your flight).
Can my parents attend the Games? All competitions are open to the public and are free of charge. Your friends and family are welcome to come and cheer you on and see you at your sport venue. Only Games participants are permitted access to the accommodation sites, food venue, Games transportation, and special events. The Opening Ceremony is open to the public and there is no admission fee; however, space may be limited and a ticketing process may be implemented. Refer to the respective Games page closer to the Games for details (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games).
How can family at home follow the Games?

BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2