
Awards and Bursaries

The BC Games Society values the opportunity to recognize organizations and individuals for their achievements and accomplishments.

Below is a full list of the awards and bursaries presented by the BC Games Society.

BC Games Leadership Bursary

$1000 bursary awarded to 16 participants under 19 (2 per zone) at each BC Winter and  BC Summer Games.

W.R. Bennett Award for Athletic Excellence

$2,500 bursary awarded to one athlete at each BC Games.

BC Women in Sport Leadership Award

Presented in partnership with Sport BC to a female community leader who challenges the traditional limits for women in sports at each BC Games.

Karina LeBlanc Game Changer Award

$1,000 bursary awarded annually to youth in the hosting community.

Medals and Pins

Awarded to all medalists at the BC Summer and BC Winter Games.

BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2