Equestrian withdraws from BC Summer Games  

Horse Council BC (HCBC) announced its decision to withdraw equestrian and Para equestrian competition from the BC Summer Games today.

“Much deliberation and thought has gone into our decision, but due to the rising costs associated with equestrian sport, lack of suitable venues and difficulties meeting Games participant requirements we feel it is in best interest at this time to withdraw,” said Craig Cherrett, Executive Director of Horse Council BC.

Equestrian debuted at the BC Summer Games at the Port Alberni 1992 BC Summer Games. Para events were first added to the program at the Penticton 1995 BC Summer Games, highlighting Horse Council BC’s commitment to accessibility at the Games.   

“Equestrian has been a valued part of the BC Summer Games, and we are grateful for the dedication and commitment HCBC has shown in supporting young athletes over the years,” said Alison Noble, President and CEO of the BC Games Society.

“We sincerely appreciate the positive working relationship we have shared and the collaborative efforts that have contributed to the success of past Games.”

All accredited Provincial and Disability Sports Organizations in B.C. will have the opportunity to apply for inclusion in the 2028 BC Winter or BC Summer Games. Sports in the BC Winter and BC Summer Games are selected and assessed based on the Society’s Core Sport Policy.

“We deeply value our partnership with the BC Games Society and have thoroughly enjoyed our time spent with the Games,” added Cherrett. “The working relationship with Games staff was exemplary and we appreciate the efforts and collaboration.”

For HCBC’s full announcement, click here.

For more information about the BC Winter and BC Summer Games, visit bcgames.org.

Media Contact:

Jocelyn Plasman
Horse Council BC
Advisor, Marketing and Communications
604-856-4304 ext 1003

Andres Marquez-Velasco
BC Games Society
Marketing Coordinator

BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2